Linda and Melissa warmly invite you to
The “What If” Group Program featuring the book:
“Creating the Impossible” by Michael Neill
*Starts: March17, 2021*
What if … you could create your impossible dreams with less stress and excess effort?
Michael Neill describes dream creation as, “unleashing something fundamental inside yourself and learning to live your life with an ever-expanding sense of possibility.” That’s certainly been our experience and we’re delighted to share it with you.
Maybe a specific dream you’d like to get started on comes to mind: finding a new job, making a move, learning a language, creating positive change in your community…this program is for you.
Maybe it’s simply something you’ve wanted to do but seems impossible: clean out a nightmare closet, tackle taxes, cull and organize treasured photos or keepsakes… this program is for you.
(Dates and Sign Up links below)
Our intention, as you play with moving your dreams out of your head and into the world, is to point you toward your deepest self – your true nature – which is unbroken, creative and of love.What if, like Dorothy, the Tinman, the Scarecrow, and the Lion in the Wizard of Oz; we already possess that which we are searching for?
We’ve found that when your ‘ok-ness’ isn’t on the line, and with ongoing connection to fresh thinking that feels good, getting in the game of life and creating is a lot more enjoyable!
Wouldn’t remembering that make the process of getting your dreams out in the world more fun and less pressure?
But don’t take our word for it, come and see for yourself.
During this 15 week program we’ll use Michael Neill’s, “Creating the Impossible” to seed reflection, insight and inspiration. Once you sign up, we have it delivered right to you!The book offers daily creativity-related prompts for those who enjoy structured exploration.
Near the beginning of the program, you’ll make a “wish list” of changes you’d like to make or things you’d like to create.
We’ll put the “wish list” aside and play around with remembering, resting in, and operating from a deeper space inside ourselves. From that still, more flowing place within, we notice innate intelligence begins to emerge and lights the way forward.On our weekly calls there’s warm magic in coming together with a group of encouraging people who enjoy seeing life through the lens of expansive possibility.
There will also be space for sharing about your project and we’ll help you play with how to creatively move forward around seeming obstacles and take time to celebrate learning and progress.
By the end of the program, you’ll have a fresh take on both your “wish list” and your life.
And because this is transforming work, the impact of this program will continue to emerge after its completion.
What If Group Program “Creating the Impossible” includes:
15 (1) hour facilitated group calls that are recorded in case you can’t make one.
March 17, 24, 31
April 7, 14, 21, 28
May 5, 12, 19, 26
June 2, 9, 16, 23
A complimentary copy of Creating the Impossible (Mailed directly to you or delivered via kindle).
Sound good? If so, we’d love to have you join us!
Want to talk before you sign up? Simply email us: for a time to chat.
With love,
Melissa & Linda
Click on the payment option under the time that suits you:
12:30PM EST Group:
$225.00 Pay in full: CLICK HERE
$ 75.00 3 Monthly Payments: CLICK HERE
8 PM EST Group
$225.00 Pay in full: CLICK HERE
$ 75.00 3 Monthly Payments: CLICK HERE
*When you use “click here” links, you will transfer to Paypal for secure payment.
1) On Paypal, if you choose to pay by credit card, simply scroll down to see “Pay by Debit or Credit Card“ option OR you can login to your account to pay.
2) As you check out: To receive your complimentary copy of “Creating the Impossible” please enter a “shipping” address if it’s different than your credit card address.