Linda Fennell & Melissa Wirt
The ‘What If?’ Program
STARTING: AUGUST 7th (Details below.)
Hello there, thanks for stopping by!
My dear friend and coaching colleague, Melissa Wirt, and I are super excited to share our group program with you.
We named it, What If?, as in, what if you could live with more possibility, inspiration, openness and connection with your innate wellbeing?
What if you could release unwanted habits and navigate through life’s ups and downs with more ease and feelings of hope and resiliency?
Doesn’t that sound good?
The tool we’ll use during this 10 week course to explore “What If?” living is, The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit, by Amy Johnson, PhD.
Short answer: Yes, if you have an unwanted habit, or want to feel better navigating life’s obstacles, or you want to more fully explore all the wonder and awe in life.
Longer answer: Yes, if this sounds like you?
When you’re not being too hard on yourself, you can admit that you’ve got a lot on your plate and do a pretty good job of managing it all. And yet there’s a nagging habit that weighs you down more than you’d like:
- You react to media headlines or life’s circumstances and you can’t stop thinking about it. Worry, sadness, anger, or overwhelm sap your valuable time and energy without adding usefulness.
- At times you don’t like how the behavior of a family member, a friend, or co-worker makes you feel. If you verbally lash out at them or hold it in, that doesn’t feel great and doesn’t help things get any better. Or you can’t seem to stop worrying about them.
- You keep wanting to change something – working too much, overeating, mindless Facebook scrolling, putting off a project that’s important to you or fill in the blank ….
- You struggle with anxiety, depression, worry and stress. You are tired of all the ruminating.
- You know more peace and wellbeing are possible, but sometimes have a hard time getting to them.
Or maybe you’re not a person who is bothered by unwanted habits right now. You’re feeling good with life. And yet you sense there’s more:
- You’re curious and ready to play with the creative energy of life.
- the possibility, potential, beauty, and awe you sense is available, is calling you.
- The “WHAT IF?” Program Includes:
- 10 (1) hour group calls of weekly support allowing you to consistently explore the intersection of spiritual and scientific concepts. Listening during the calls with openness can deliver insights so you release unwanted habits and live more freely, creating what you want from a place of possibility.
Tuesday Program Dates:
August 7, 14, 21, 28
September 4, 11, 18, 25
October 2, 9
A complimentary copy of, The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit, by Amy Johnson, PhD. (Mailed directly to you or delivered via kindle).
Easy phone access to a peaceful, respectful, lighthearted space to share insights, candid questions, celebrations, curiosity.
Sharing your experiences and hearing others do the same enhances understanding and insights.
Trained coaches, Linda Fennell and Melissa Wirt to guide and facilitate each “What If?” Group experience.
Ready to do this?
Click on the payment option that suits you:
*These buttons transfer you to Paypal for secure payment.
1) On Paypal, if you choose to pay by credit card, simply scroll down to see “Pay by Debit or Credit Card“ option or you can login to your account to pay.
2) As you check out: To receive your complimentary copy of, “The Little Book of Big Change”, please enter a “shipping” address if it’s different than your credit card address.
What questions do you have? On the fence and want to hop on the phone to talk it over? We’d love to hear from you or set up a brief phone chat by email. I can be reached at or you can send a note to Melissa at
We’d love to have you join us if it feels good!
With love,
Linda & Melissa