Ode to Spring Peepers
(My beloved frog friends)
I’m yearning for the call of the spring peepers.
The smell of the warming damp earth.
The robin’s hopping around.
The geese honking and flying overhead.
The longer light filled days.
But especially the peepers.
They signal to my delighted soul that Winter is saying good bye and passing the seasonal baton onto Spring.
My ears are open.
Listening for that first peep to hit my awareness.
And then, the symphony that dances and beckons spring into place.
Those beautiful little creatures with imagined choir robes swaying to the flow and rhythms of awakening life.
Calling us to emerge from our sleepy winters rest.
Their song starts with a single voice.
Then two.
Then three.
Then a thousand.
Gently washing the winter away with the melody of awakening hope and joy.
Watering the spring seeds of creation.
Whispering to them to bloom.
To shine.
Asking us to come together and share our brilliant colors
to sing, swaying and moving
… opening … opening
Calling forth what wants to be born.
Rejoicing at the wonder and magic of it all.
Celebrating with their song.
Welcoming that which winter has lovingly held for us into the light.
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