This past weekend I went to a fabulous conference in California. It was about understanding our ‘true nature’.
I won’t go into all the details now, but it had me reflecting on the ‘one big thing’ that I’ve come to understand deeply that has changed my life.
I know it probably sounds dramatic to put it that way, but understanding this one thing has helped me feel more love, contentment, and wellbeing on a regular basis no matter what is happening around me.
That ‘one big thing’ is this: Real wisdom comes with a nice feeling.✨
The feeling isn’t always the same mind you … sometimes wisdom feels like relief, sometimes it feels like joy and other times it can feel like a calm clarity, but no matter how it specifically shows up in the moment it always has a good feeling.
We all have wisdom within us – it’s our true nature.
“When found, wisdom cleanses the channels of the mind and acts like a penicillin for the soul.”
– Sydney Banks, The Enlightened Gardener Revisited
Understanding what true wisdom feels like and what it doesn’t feel like has been a priceless gift to me.
It has changed my life in the most beautiful way. Now when I have unhelpful thinking pop into my mind (like unhelpful thinking does for all humans) I know I don’t have to take it seriously.
Why don’t I have to take it seriously? Because it doesn’t feel good and I remember that if it were my true wisdom showing up to guide me in the moment, to clarity about myself, others, or the world around me, that it would come with an nice feeling.
That’s what feelings do for us, they help alert us to the quality of our thinking in each moment and what to trust or not to trust.
As always, don’t take my word for it … consider what I’ve shared and see what resonates with you.
If you’re interested, you can learn more about your own innate wisdom and wellbeing in the, What If? Solutions Program, that I’m offering with my beloved friend and colleague, Melissa Wirt.
The program starts on Wednesday, April 17th – we’d love to have you join us if it feels good! 😊
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